CEREC Procedure

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What to Expect During Your CEREC Procedure 

CEREC one visit crown

Because We Value YOUR Time

Let's face it, very few of us have perfect teeth, free of decay and fillings.  You can probably see a filling or two in your own mouth, which do just that -- "fill" a cavity, or hole, in your tooth left from the excavation of decayed tooth structure.  In many cases, those fillings are made of metal or resin materials  that wear out, weaken your tooth, and allow additional decay to penetrate under or around the failing filling.  1.2 billion metal fillings will need to be replaced in the next 10 years.*  CEREC is a technology used by thousands of dentists worldwide,  not only to replace these fillings, but also to restore any tooth that is decayed, weakened, broken, etc. to its natural strength and beauty.  Better yet, it's done with all-ceramic materials that are tooth colored, and, ususally,  in a single appointment!  So, how does the CEREC procedure work?

Exam and Preparation

First, we examine your tooth and determine the appropriate treatment.  It could be a simple filling, or a full crown, depending on how much healthy tooth structure remains.  Next, we administer an anesthetic and prepare your tooth for the restoration-- removing decayed and weakened tooth tissue.  This conservative preparation  tends to allow us to preserve more tooth structure than  many other restorative techniques.


Optical Impression

Next, we take an Optical Impression of the prepared tooth.  Instead of filling an impression tray with material that you must bite into and hold in your mouth for several minutes, we coat the tooth with a non-toxic, tasteless powder and, record a digital picture of your tooth.  The Optical Impression process  takes only a minute or two.

No Temporaries

Then, the CEREC computer helps us create the restoration for your tooth.  The CEREC 3D software takes the digital image and converts it into a 3-dimensional virtual model on the computer screen.  We then use our dental expertise to design your restoration using the CEREC 3D computer system.  Within a few minutes, the restoration design data is sent to a milling machine in our office.  A ceramic block that matches your tooth shade is placed in the milling machine.  Ten to twenty minutes later, your all-ceramic, tooth-colored restoration is finished and ready to polished, glazed and bonded in place.    Your tooth is restored in one appointment with no need for a  "temporary" and no second visit to insert your restoration.  Ask us about CEREC today.


*Harvard Health Letter, March 2000; NIDR of NIH, Dental Amalgam Study, 1993.





We combine experience with the latest in dental technology to deliver the best patient experience possible.



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